Adsorption of non-nutritive sweeteners to viral proteins
- Beschreibung
Did you know that our food is loaded with non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS)? Or that NNS can affect the growth of intestinal bacteria? What about the viruses? Despite the increasing evidence linking NNS intake with the insurgence of medical conditions, the experimental evidence supporting this connection remains scanty. The present proposal aims to fill this scientific gap by investigating the attachment of selected NNS to viral proteins derived from pathogenic viruses. This project will help us understand the impact of NNSs on the human microbiota and our comprehension of microbial ecology.
Project description
We propose to employ microscale thermophoresis (MST) to assess whether proteins derived from phages against Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella pneumonia would bind to a panel of NNS, such as saccharin, acesulfame potassium, and stevia compounds. MST is a novel technique that allows us to determine the adsorption of molecules and compute the related dissociation constant (Kd). By comparing the Kd values, it is possible to assess the strength of adhesion between proteins and selected molecules.
- Projektzeitraum
- Sommersemester 2025
- Bewerbungszeitraum
- 01. bis 13.04.2025
- Durchführung
- semesterbegleitend
- Details zu Projektzeitraum und Durchführung
Laboratory work to be carried out at the Department of Nutritional Biochemistry (140c) from mid-April 2025 until end of September 2025.
Evaluation of data and scientific presentation until mid-September 2025.
- Studienfach
Ernährungswissenschaft - Betreuende
- Dr. Luigi Marongiu
- Institut
- Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften (140) (Biochemie der Ernährung)
- Sprache
- englisch
- Teilnehmendenanzahl
- min. 1, max. 1
- Arbeitsaufwand
ca. 90 Stunden pro Teilnehmende:r
| 3
Arbeitsaufwand (Stunden und ggf. ECTS) sind ungefähre Angaben. Die tatsächlich vergebenen ECTS-Punkte ergeben sich aus der tatsächlich geleisteten Arbeit.
- Für dieses Projekt ist kein Motivationsschreiben des Studierenden erforderlich
- Projektart
- experimentell
- Lernziele
Die Teilnehmende lernen in diesem Projekt:
The participants to this project will learn:
How to run an MST machine.
How to measure the interaction of NNS with specific viral proteins.
How to generate Kd values.
How to interpret and present scientific data.
- Anmerkungen für Studierende
No previous knowledge will be required and jointly developed within the framework of the project.
- Schlagworte
- Mikrobiologie, Virologie, Sweeteners