Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: Exploring the role of subtilases in the regulation of the symbiosis
- Beschreibung
Beneficial microbes are crucial for plant health and agricultural productivity. Specially we are focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, a mutualistic association between plants and fungi that enhances nutrient uptake and stress resistance and tolerance. Our research group is investigating the role of subtilases, proteases that regulate this symbiosis.
Using CRISPR technology, we are generating multiple knock out lines to study the impact of these proteases on the symbiosis. Before conducting the mycorrhizal assays, it is necessary to genotype these lines to identify the most promising candidates.
The project will offer the student the opportunity to learn and apply key molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction, qPCR, and sequencing for genotyping these lines. Additionally, students will become familiar with laboratory practices, literature research, and result evaluation.
This experience will provide you hands-on training and analytical skills, essential for a scientific career.
- Projektzeitraum
- Wintersemester 2024/2025
- Bewerbungszeitraum
- 14.10. bis 04.11.2024
- Durchführung
- semesterbegleitend
- Studienfach
Biologie - Betreuende
- Javier Lidoy Logrono
- Institut
- Institut für Biologie (190) (Molecular biology)
- Sprache
- englisch
- Teilnehmendenanzahl
- min. 1, max. 2
- Arbeitsaufwand
ca. 180 Stunden pro Teilnehmende:r
| 6
Arbeitsaufwand (Stunden und ggf. ECTS) sind ungefähre Angaben. Die tatsächlich vergebenen ECTS-Punkte ergeben sich aus der tatsächlich geleisteten Arbeit.
- Für dieses Projekt ist kein Motivationsschreiben des Studierenden erforderlich
- Projektart
- experimentell
- Lernziele
Die Teilnehmende lernen in diesem Projekt:
- Literature research
- Molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction, qPCR, and sequencing
- Data analysis, graph marking, result evaluation and discussion.
- Report the project and main results
- Anmerkungen für Studierende
- Schlagworte
- Mycorrhiza, genotyping, CRISPR-Cas