
Burn the contaminants! Investigating the fate of PAHs in pyrolysis


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic compounds made up of multiple fused aromatic rings. PAHs are widely recognized for their environmental persistence toxicity and pose risks to human health and ecosystems. They are commonly found in air, water, and soil, accumulating in these environments. For solid samples contaminated with PAHs, one strategy to remove them could be the thermal treatment of the solid, using pyrolysis.

In this project, you would study the fate of PAHs during the pyrolysis of contaminated solids. You will explore how these toxic compounds are degraded or formed when pyrolyzed. The goal is to ensure that PAHs are minimized or eliminated during this waste treatment. Special attention will be given to the effect of different temperatures on developing or removing such substances. 

The working plan is divided into three main tasks:

  1. What is pyrolysis and how to do it? You will perform the pyrolysis of the solid contaminated with PAHs, selecting different pyrolysis temperatures.
  2. How to analyze PAHs in pyrolyzed solids? You will prepare pyrolyzed solid samples for PAHs analysis at an external laboratory, with the opportunity to visit the lab, see the equipments and understand the methodology.
  3. What is the best pyrolysis temperature to remove PAHs?  Based on the obtained data, you will analyze the results, identify trends, and formulate hypothesis regarding the fate of PAHs during pyrolysis.
Wintersemester 2024/2025
14.10. bis 04.11.2024
Details zu Projektzeitraum und Durchführung
  • The project schedule and implementation will be adapted according to the student's availability.
  • Weekly meetings will be held between the supervisor and the students
  • The report/abstract/presentation can be done in German. The spoken language between the supervisor and the students would be English.
offen für alle Studienfächer
Gabriel De Freitas Batista, Gero Becker, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse
Institut für Agrartechnik (440) (Konversionstechnologien nachwachsender Rohstoffe)
min. 1, max. 3
(1 Kleingruppen mit max. 3 Teilnehmenden )
ca. 120 Stunden pro Teilnehmende:r | 4 ECTS-Punkte

Arbeitsaufwand (Stunden und ggf. ECTS) sind ungefähre Angaben. Die tatsächlich vergebenen ECTS-Punkte ergeben sich aus der tatsächlich geleisteten Arbeit.

Für dieses Projekt ist kein Motivationsschreiben des Studierenden erforderlich

Die Teilnehmende lernen in diesem Projekt:

In this project, the participants will learn:

  • Perform literature research and obtain knowledge of a scientific area
  • Perform pyrolisis
  • Basics of working in a laboratory
  • Analytical chemistry for organic compound determination
  • Obtaining and analyzing self-obtained data
  • Presentation of obtained results using graphs and tables
Anmerkungen für Studierende

For further questions regarding the project, contact me via email: gabriel.batista@uni-hohenheim.de ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Waste managment, PAHs, pyrolysis, organic pollutants, scientific work