Cooking breakfast for soil: Design and construction of composter equipment
- Beschreibung
Composting is an aerobic biological process involving microorganisms decomposing organic materials, resulting in nutrient-rich soil amendments. The composting process can facilitate the breakdown of harmful compounds through microbial activity, transforming phytotoxic materials into stable and beneficial organic matter. After the composting process, the resulting material acts as a fertilizer, enhancing plant growth and soil health.
In this project, you would work on the design and construction of a tailor-made scientific composter idealized for the detoxification of solid residues. The tailor-made composter should allow the monitoring of critical parameters to understand the composting process, such as moisture, temperature, mass and gas emissions. This innovative approach contributes to waste reduction, promoting environmental sustainability.
The working plan is divided into three main tasks:
- What is a composter developed for scientific research? You will develop design ideas for a scientific composter setup, based on literature and creativity.
- How to transform your composter design into a piece of equipment? You will purchase materials for the composter construction and work in collaboration with the workshop to build the equipment.
- Does this equipment work? After the composter is commissioned, it will be tested.
- Projektzeitraum
- Wintersemester 2024/2025
- Bewerbungszeitraum
- 14.10. bis 04.11.2024
- Durchführung
- semesterbegleitend
- Details zu Projektzeitraum und Durchführung
- The composter design should be completed within the initial stages of the project (1 to 2 months) to ensure adequate time for equipment construction and validation.
- The report/abstract/presentation can be done in German. The spoken language between the supervisor and the students would be English.
- Weekly meetings will be held between the supervisor and the students
- Studienfach
- offen für alle Studienfächer
- Betreuende
- Gabriel De Freitas Batista, Gero Becker, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse
- Institut
- Institut für Agrartechnik (440) (Konversionstechnologien nachwachsender Rohstoffe)
- Sprache
- englisch
- Teilnehmendenanzahl
min. 1, max. 3
(1 Kleingruppen mit max. 3 Teilnehmenden ) - Arbeitsaufwand
ca. 180 Stunden pro Teilnehmende:r
| 6
Arbeitsaufwand (Stunden und ggf. ECTS) sind ungefähre Angaben. Die tatsächlich vergebenen ECTS-Punkte ergeben sich aus der tatsächlich geleisteten Arbeit.
- Für dieses Projekt ist kein Motivationsschreiben des Studierenden erforderlich
- Projektart
- experimentell
- Lernziele
Die Teilnehmende lernen in diesem Projekt:
In this project, the participants will learn to:
- Perform literature research and obtain knowledge of a scientific area
- Work with computer design software
- Design of scientific equipment
- Purchase materials
- Communication with different faculty sectors and external companies
- Testing a built equipment
- Obtaining data from scientific experiments
- Presentation of obtained results using images, graphs and tables
- Anmerkungen für Studierende
For further questions regarding the project, contact me via email:
- Schlagworte
- Composting, equipment design, Waste Management, detoxification, biological treatment, Fertilizer