Foundations of Data Analysis in Plant Breeding: Exploring Ordinal and Metric Data
- Beschreibung
This foundational project is aimed at Bachelorstudents with a keen interestin statistics and data analysis for plant breeding. It provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods used in analysing ordinal and metric data, with a special focus on the practical challenges encountered in diseasetrials. During the project, the student works closely with a Bachelor Student HiWi who has strong competences in statistics. The project is supervised by a PhD student from the Biostatistics department at the University of Hohenheim.
The student takes on the role of the ‘statistics expert’ duringa collaboration with a follow-up ‘Humboldt reloaded’ (HR) project in the summer term, "Bridging Theory and Practice: Scientific Approaches to Disease Trials in Wheat Breeding.". The student supports the data analysis (R script, and underlying statistical foundations) of field data collected by the studentsof the follow-up HR.
The student writes an abstract about the project and its result for the Sommertagung 2025 (07/26 and 07/27/2025, LTZ Augustenberg). The student participates at the Sommertagung and, if accepted, presents their project to the other conference attendees.
Projektbetreuung: Karen Wolf (
- Projektzeitraum
- Wintersemester 2024/2025 und Sommersemester 2025
- Bewerbungszeitraum
- 14. bis 28.10.2024
- Durchführung
- semesterbegleitend
- Details zu Projektzeitraum und Durchführung
This foundational project is aimed at Bachelorstudents with a keen interestin statistics and data analysis for plant breeding. It provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods used in analysing ordinal and metric data, with a special focus on the practical challenges encountered in diseasetrials. During the project, the student works closely with a BachelorStudent HiWi who has strong competences in statistics. The project is supervised by a PhD student from the Biostatistics department at the University of Hohenheim.
The student takes on the role of the ‘statistics expert’ duringa collaboration with a follow-up ‘Humboldt reloaded’ (HR) project in the summer term, "Bridging Theory and Practice: Scientific Approaches to Disease Trials in Wheat Breeding.". The student supports the data analysis (R script, and underlying statistical foundations) of field data collected by the students of the follow-up HR.
The student writes an abstract about the project and its result for the Sommertagung 2025 (07/26 and 07/27/2025, LTZ Augustenberg). The student participates at the Sommertagung and, if accepted, presents their project to the other conference attendees.
The project proceedsin the following phases:
Theoretcal Background:
- A thorough introduction to the differencesbetween ordinal and metric data.
- Familiarisation with the statistical methods for analyzing these types of data such as Linear Models (LM), General Linear Models (GLM), etc.
- Exploration of the stateof the art in the analysis of disease trialsin plant breeding.
R Script Development:
- Based on the knowledgeacquired, the studentdevelops a robust R script to performkey statistical analyses.
- This script will provide possibilities of some preliminary data visualization and description and enable different typesof analyses for ordinal and metric data (LM, GLM, etc.)
Practcal Applicaton:
- The R script will be used to analysethe data collectedby the follow-up HR in June
- Studienfach
Biologie - Betreuende
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Piepho
- Institut
- Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340) (Biostatistik (340c))
- Sprache
- deutsch/englisch
- Teilnehmendenanzahl
- min. 1, max. 1
- Arbeitsaufwand
ca. 180 Stunden pro Teilnehmende:r
| 6
Arbeitsaufwand (Stunden und ggf. ECTS) sind ungefähre Angaben. Die tatsächlich vergebenen ECTS-Punkte ergeben sich aus der tatsächlich geleisteten Arbeit.
- Für dieses Projekt ist kein Motivationsschreiben des Studierenden erforderlich
- Projektart
- empirisch
- Lernziele
Die Teilnehmende lernen in diesem Projekt:
- Statistics (focus on ordinal vs. metric data)
- Programming (R, possiblyLaTex)
- Project collaboration, teamwork
- Scientific writing (acquisition of scientific vocabulary in English)
- Experiences in ‘academicworld’ (conference attendancewith possibly own presentation)
- Anmerkungen für Studierende
- Basic understanding of statistics
- Proficiency in English
Important Dates: - Collaboration to the follow-up HR in the summer term, intensive period (data analysis): June 2025
- Conference attendance: June 26 and 27, 2025, LTZ Augustenberg. Link to the conference program of last year: https://www.biometrische- versuchswesen/termine.html#:~:text=Die%20Sommertagung%20der%20AG%20%E2%80%9E Landwirtschaftliches,Fachhochschule%20S%C3%BCdwestfalen%20in%20Soest%20
- Schlagworte
- Statistics, R, ordinal and metric data analysis, conference attendance, project collaboration